Women of the ’90s

Whether you were 20, 30, 40 or 50 in the 1990s, the women of that decade continue to inspire fashion-forward thinking for Halloween. Here are five of the most influential ladies of 90s culture that continue to challenge me to make my costumes bigger, flashier with more bling.

I hope this list inspires you to really get in touch with your inner grunge and explode with color, baggy pants and high waisted shorts.

  1. Parker Posey was one of the indie film world’s “it” girls in the ‘90s. Just Netflix any of her movies and you’ll see amazingly dated clothing that will make you want to magically be transported to 1994. It was another world back then. Jean shorts, high pony tails with crop tops, hot pinks and lime greens. You could put almost any pattern together with another pattern.
  2. Melissa Joan Heart from Clarissa Explains It All heavily influenced my daughters in the ‘90s. Her teenage look can be replicated with a pre-Brittany Spears innocence. I just love her hair.
  3. Nicole Kidman was stunning before her divorce from Tom Cruise. I love her red, curly hair from Far and Away. Whatever film of hers you base your costume off of, you’ll feel elegant and stunning.
  4. Meg Ryan is the cute blonde that everybody wants to be friends with, right? Well, capture her adorable You’ve Got Mail feel this Halloween and really play up the retro feel.
  5. Julia Roberts skyrocketed to mega-fame in the ‘90s, but I’ll always love her Runaway Bride sneakers under her wedding dress.

Who have I left out? When you think back to the ‘90s, who do you want to be? I’d love to know!

Emma Rae Curtis is a costume/dressing up/makeup & accessories expert. She mainly writes about Halloween but also about all things costume and dress-up related.