Halloween Hair Part 1 – Wigs

Creating the perfect look can be difficult. That’s why we spend so much time on hair and makeup when trying to create a perfect costume. Sometimes though, what you have naturally isn’t enough to portray the character you’ve chosen. Sometimes you have to alter your physical appearance enough to give the proper illusion that you are in fact this other person.

There are two ways that we can do this, one by wearing wigs, the other by dying our hair. Today I’m going to tackle the best alternative solutions to wearing a standard wig. I hope you enjoy.

  1. The hair hat-wig is a practical and fun way to get crazy with your costume. Made  popular by Lady Gaga, the ready wear knit wig comes in an assortment of colors, or you can knit your own. This wig looks great in pink.
  2. Curly ribbon wigs are easy to make and look great on adults and kids alike. Use a headband as the basis from which to make your wig. This is especially cute if used for a clown costume as many curling ribbons come in bright colors and are easily knotted into curly wigs.
  3. A hair bow is a great wig extension that can be worn on a headband or clipped directly to your natural or wig covered head. It evokes Hello Kitty, Lady Gaga and modern Japanese anime characters. You can also cut it into two parts and create life-like cat ears.
  4. Yarn wigs are a traditional staple for children’s Rapunzel costumes, but there’s so much that you can do with one. Raggedy Ann, any long-haired Disney princess, or Princess Leia. Easy to make, just follow this tutorial.
  5. If you’re looking just to make a traditional Halloween wig that you buy from Target or a Halloween store look authentic, follow this tutorial from YouTube. She explains how to make a natural looking hair part and how to style it freely.

In my next post we’ll discuss ways to dye your hair to achieve that perfect look for your Halloween costume. Stay tuned!